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Reconstruction of the school in the village of Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske in Chernihiv region

Updated: Aug 5, 2022

480 students were left without education

6000 square meters damaged

60 million UAH is needed for restoration

Educated and thinking nation is difficult to control. Knowledge is a great force! Love for culture, art, science, desire for perfection is born and develops from school years. Teachers teach new things, acquaint with historical events, give an understanding of culture and encourage independent thinking. They help in the formation of personality, make us confidence, gives faith in their own strength.

Chernihiv region is one of those that has suffered of devastating destruction. Among the first which taken the blow of the enemy. One of such villages is Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske, which became first a victim and then a temporary base of the occupier. People from this settlement were under occupation for more than 35 days. The shelling from enemy positions, close to the village, were constant. Cultural and educational institutions across the country have become a shelterі for citizens. Same, with no exception was school in the village of Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske. But during the shelling, one of the shells hited the building and the stadium. Unfortunately, there were victims.

The school protected everyone who hid in its basement. With its shelter school had given people the opportunity to survive from those shelling and difficult days of occupation. But the building itself significantly suffered and received lot of damage and losses. The computer classroom and classrooms of chemistry, physics, biology, archives, and Ukraine's defense classroom were completely destroyed. Corridors, utility rooms and basements are also damaged.

The school, with equipment for multimedia learning, with a library and sports playgrounds, was a place of knowledge and education for 480 students, not only for local but also for nearby villages.

The Foundation “Future with Bees” aims to help the village community rebuild the school. By joint efforts it is necessary to restore the educational institution by 1st of September. Give children the opportunity to return to school. The usual and everyday normal things, that are currently lacking, gives confidence today’s day and that tomorrow will be. Education for children is everyday learning and getting knowledge of something new. But not only! School is a usual center for children, a place where they communicate with their friends, teachers, learning and sharing experiences, getting inspired. This is familiar and normal, without which it is so difficult to imagine average life, and that - without which the children were left after February 24.

About 60 million hryvnias (equivalent to $ 1.7 million) is required for the reconstruction and for building materials, windows, doors, coatings and furniture, computers, equipment, textbooks and school supplies. This sum was announced by expert commission/

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