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Support a paramedic - save a life

Updated: Mar 4

Paramedics are everyday Heroes! We want to help them in their rescue missions. Thus, we handed over medicaments:

  • decompression needles,

  • occlusive dressings,

  • sterilized personal wound dressings,

  • anti-cold,

  • antibacterial,

  • HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors,

  • succinylated gelatin solution,

  • blood substitutes, and perfusion solutions.

We are grateful to everyone who joined this fundraising to purchase the medicaments and to our friends from Israel for providing sterilized bandages.

Hospitallers are the first to provide medical aid in hot spots, and help transport the injured to safe places and hospitals. Let's take a moment to appreciate and honor the dedication of these incredible people who work tirelessly to ensure wounded civilians' and defenders' safety.

The paramedic's support project is active. The war continues, and every day there are a hundred fighting on the front line. Join fundraising! Follow the DONATE page to make your contribution of support!

Let's purchase essential medicaments! Let's help paramedics to save lives!

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