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Joining forces: Our mission is to help Hospital No. 2 named by Pavluchenka in Zhytomyr

We continue to provide hospital No. 2 named by V.P. Pavluchenka with important medicines and essentials. Our aim is to help doctors and nurses of the hospital provide quality services and treat patients with all means.

It’s important to provide the hospital with all needed medicaments. We are sincerely grateful to the doctors for their hard work. Medical clothing, masks, bandages, and dressings materials enable doctors to continue their work.

We want to express our gratitude to partners from Germany, the Ukrainian-German society, and everyone who participated in the fundraising. The conscious position of associations and communities, and the desire to help Ukrainians - inspire us to continue our work. Only by our own example and good deeds do we provoke others to join in helping and supporting Ukraine.

Only united we will be able to make changes in the country for the better. We are grateful for your faith and support in our mission to help hospitals.

Everyone willing can support doctors and medical institutions. To do this, follow the DONATE page and choose a convenient way to make your contribution.



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