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Join the recovery program

Mykhailo-Kotsyubynska Secondary School!

Let's restore the future for children! Let's rebuild Ukraine together!

An educated and thinking nation is difficult to govern. Knowledge is a great force! Love for culture, art, science, improvement is born and develops from school years. Teachers teach new things, acquaint with historical events, give an understanding of culture and encourage independent thinking. They help in the formation of personality, add confidence and faith in their own strength.


Chernihiv region is one of the regions that has suffered devastating destruction. Among the first to take the blow of the enemy. One of such settlements is Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske, which became first a victim and then a temporary base of the occupier. Residents were under occupation for more than 35 days. The shelling from enemy positions in the vicinity was constant. Cultural and educational institutions across the country have become a haven for citizens. And the school in the village of Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske was no exception. But during the shelling, one of the shells hit the building and the stadium. Unfortunately, there were also victims of the shelling. 


The school protected everyone who hid in its basement. With her shelter, she gave people the opportunity to survive those shellings and difficult days of occupation. But the building itself suffered significant damage and losses - completely destroyed the computer classroom, chemistry, physics classrooms, part of the biology classroom, archive, defense room of Ukraine. Corridors, utility rooms and basements. 


The secondary school, equipped with equipment for multimedia learning, with a library and sports grounds, was a place of knowledge for 480 students not only from local but also from nearby villages.

The Future with Bees Foundation aims to help the village community rebuild the school. It is necessary to restore the educational institution by September 1 by joint efforts. Give children the opportunity to meet the first bell and return to school. After all, the usual and everyday things that we are so lacking now, give confidence today, what will happen tomorrow. And learning for children is learning and learning something new. But not only! School is a familiar center for children, a place where they communicate with their friends, teachers, learn, share experiences, get inspired. This is normal and normal, without which it is so difficult to imagine life, and what - without which the children were left after February 24.


According to the expert commission for the restoration, the cost of building materials, windows, doors, coatings and furniture, computers, equipment, textbooks and school supplies,   will require about 60 million hryvnias (equivalent to the amount of $ 1.7 million) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Restoration of the school in the village
Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske in the Chernihiv region

480 students were left without education

ХХХ кв. m damaged

UAH 60 million is needed for restoration

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